Global​,​ multilingual patient reporting application ‘prescribed’ to employees for monitoring and improving individual and organizational mental wellbeing. The application gathers common technological and user demographic data alongside special categories including multiple social determinants alongside lifestyle​,​ behavioural​,​ biometric​,​ self-reporting (Patient-reported-outcomes and Mental Health indexes and questionnaires) and electronic health records.

Mental Health PROMs Mobile App- Patient Reported Data


User consent


Records volume


Data History


Data Source

Prevalent Dx (diagnoses)

Depression ; Anxiety; Stress ; Insomnia; Sleep disorders ;

Prevalent Rx/Tx (Drug/treatment protocols)


Combined (Tx) therapy


Data Features

✔Active diagnosis (Dx), Co-Morbidities (Preexisting conditions, other active diagnoses the patient has, historical Dx), Risk Factors, Side Effects/ADR, Vital Signs, Encounters/Appointments history, Medications(Rx=Prescribed Drugs), CoC Meds(additional drugs/combinations), Health Provider by role, PRO (Patient Reported outcomes), Life Style/Reported habits, Survey, Patient reporting (mobile) app, Consumer behavioral data (passively collected)

Additional Data Features

The application gathers common technological and user demographic data alongside special categories including multiple social determinants alongside lifestyle, behavioural, biometric, self-reporting and standardized assessment tools. Assessment tools includes: PHQ-9: Patient Health Questionnaire 9​,​ TLI: Tucker-Lewis index​,​ WEMWBS: Warwick-Edinburgh Mental Well-being Scale​,​ ISI: Insomnia Severity Index​,​ HADS: Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale​,​ I-CVI: item content validity index​,​ BIT: Brief Inventory of Thriving​,​ CFI: comparative fit index.

