Go Back Listing details Data Source* Clinical Research Records Health Professional Records Other Patient Reported Data Population Health Data Please choose the most fitting category to your data source Free text description about this asset* Describe about your asset to help buyer understand User Consent* Please ChooseYesNo Please indicate whether you have your patient's consent to use this data Record Volume* How many Distinct patients are recorded in your system? * Note: this number will automatically feed into the records range (below). the accurate count won't be displayed in simple browsing Data History(number of years)* What year this data set started recording Data Set regional coverage* Americas APJ EMEA Global LATAM Other Specific countries or U.S. states Please choose the regional coverage of this data set Specify Country or US State* Please specify the regional coverage of this datasets Prevalent Dx (diagnoses)* Please list all treatment forms that your data are recording. Disclaimer: We will display in the listing a preview of the first two medical conditions you have reported. The rest of the list will appear in the full listing view and will support the search & filter capabilities. Prevalent Rx/Tx (Drug/treatment protocols)* Please list all treatment forms that your data are recording. Disclaimer: We will display in the listing a preview of the first two medical conditions you have reported. The rest of the list will appear in the full listing view and will support the search & filter capabilities. Combined (Tx) therapy* Please list top/most common Rx Combinations, Rx/drugs & procedures, OR treatment protocols that this data asset records frequently Data Features* Active diagnosis (Dx) Co-Morbidities (Preexisting conditions, other active diagnoses the patient has, historical Dx) Risk Factors Allergies Side Effects/ADR Vital Signs Encounters/Appointments history Procedures data Labs data Imagin Data Medications(Rx=Prescribed Drugs) CoC Meds(additional drugs/combinations) Health Provider by role PRO (Patient Reported outcomes) Life Style/Reported habits EHR - health provider records Survey Patient reporting (mobile) app eTMF CRF (clinical research form) Consumer behavioral data (passively collected) Other Please choose the most fitting category to your data source Additional Data Features?* Please fill in any additional data points that your data source will be able to provide Publish Listing