Private clinic health records capturing longitudinal and comprehensive patient intake, biomarkers, labs, procedures and clinical notes targeted at capturing the patient journey in the processes of personalizing optimizing their care for various chronic health conditions.
Personalized healthcare clinic EHR – Health Professional Records
✔Active diagnosis (Dx), Co-Morbidities (Preexisting conditions, other active diagnoses the patient has, historical Dx), Risk Factors, Allergies, Side Effects/ADR, Vital Signs, Encounters/Appointments history, Procedures data, Labs data, Medications(Rx=Prescribed Drugs), CoC Meds(additional drugs/combinations), Health Provider by role, PRO (Patient Reported outcomes), Life Style/Reported habits
Additional Data Features
All collected records are unified and processed to generate 'healthcare journey' / 'wellness timeline' per patient. Data collection includes full medical history, active conditions and clinical findings gathered in the course of 4-6 weeks to shape an assessment and new treatment recommendations. Patient questionnaires and reported outcomes, alongside lab results and clinical finding are recorded per patient in the database. The longitudinal data gathered per patient includes clinic visits and periodic PROs update.